Cobotization at Mechatronic Machinery

Whereas robots are now commonplace as an aid to automation, cobots are as yet less well known. Unjustly so, if you ask us. Cobot, an amalgamation of collaborative and robot, stands for cooperation. Cooperation between man and machine.

Cobotization is the future, is our firm belief. In order to achieve optimal results in the production and processing sector, for example, we are increasingly seeing cobots working together with people, with the great advantage that applications that were previously not possible are suddenly proving feasible. Mechatronic Machinery uses the flexibility of advanced cobots to optimize processes on the shop floor.

With us you have come to the right place for conceiving, developing, programming as well as implementing cobotics. We are able to provide the most suitable solution at all times when it comes to cobotisation in various sectors. In doing so, we achieve set goals and provide solutions. Whether this involves robotization, cobotization, adaptation of existing machines or a combination thereof, it makes no difference to us. The end goal is always clear: achieving process optimization.

Curious about real-life examples where we implemented cobotics to achieve set goals? On our case studies page we give you a sneak peek.